Notable Articles

Written by Cassity B. Gies

Legal Jenifer Kubes Legal Jenifer Kubes

Understanding Oklahoma child support laws can save you stress during custody agreements

By law, a child in Oklahoma is entitled to financial support from both parents. This cornerstone belief stems from the legal theory that children are dependent on adults for the necessities in life and deserve to be financially supported by the parents who brought them into the world. Child support is intended to assist with expenses incurred for “housing, food, transportation, public education, clothing, and entertainment”, which will vary according to the family’s circumstances.

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Legal Jenifer Kubes Legal Jenifer Kubes

Gavel to Gavel: Marijuana could complicate child custody cases

Almost three years after passing State Question 788 legalizing medical marijuana, Oklahoma struggles to manage the competing interests surrounding a legal concept colored with controversial opinions, long-standing prejudices, and discriminatory undertones that linger in the air every bit as noticeable as the smell of marijuana.

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Legal Jenifer Kubes Legal Jenifer Kubes

Affidavit of Support Implications in Divorce

Being the spouse of a United States citizen is the most common way to attain lawful permanent resident status, informally referred to as “getting a green card.” Each year the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) admits more lawful permanent resident statuses through marriage than any other major type of admission.

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